Using the Aggregator SDK
Detailed integration sample code on github
npm: @manahippo/hippo-sdk
// compute a list of quotes (ordered by output), for fromSymbol -> toSymbol
const aggListQuotes = async (fromSymbol: string, toSymbol: string, inputUiAmt: string) => {
const { client } = readConfig(program);
const agg = await TradeAggregator.create(client);
const xCoinInfo = agg.registryClient.getCoinInfoBySymbol(fromSymbol);
const yCoinInfo = agg.registryClient.getCoinInfoBySymbol(toSymbol);
const inputAmt = parseFloat(inputUiAmt);
const quotes = await agg.getQuotesUptoV3(inputAmt, xCoinInfo, yCoinInfo);
for (const quote of quotes) {
console.log(`Quote input: ${quote.quote.inputUiAmt}`);
console.log(`Quote output: ${quote.quote.outputUiAmt}`);
// send a transaction to swap "inputUiAmt" of "fromSymbol" to "toSymbol"
const aggSwap = async (fromSymbol: string, toSymbol: string, inputUiAmt: string) => {
const { client, account } = readConfig(program);
const agg = await TradeAggregator.create(client);
const xCoinInfo = agg.registryClient.getCoinInfoBySymbol(fromSymbol);
const yCoinInfo = agg.registryClient.getCoinInfoBySymbol(toSymbol);
const inputAmt = parseFloat(inputUiAmt);
const quotes = await agg.getQuotesUptoV3(inputAmt, xCoinInfo, yCoinInfo);
if (quotes.length === 0) {
console.log('No route available');
// first quote also the best quote
const payload = quotes[0].route.makeSwapPayload(inputAmt, 0);
await sendPayloadTx(client, account, payload as TxnBuilderTypes.TransactionPayloadEntryFunction);
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